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League of Dragons

Cover to League of Dragons by Naomi Novik

League of Dragons

(Temeraire 9)

Naomi Novik


Dates Read

Dec 26 - 27



Listened via Hoopla

12 hours, 12 minutes



The deadly campaign in Russia has cost both Napoleon and those allied against him. Napoleon has been denied his victory . . . but at a terrible price. Laurence and the dragon Temeraire pursue the fleeing French army west but are demoralized when Napoleon makes it back to Paris unscathed. Worse, they soon learn that the French have stolen Temeraire and Iskierka's egg. Now it is do or die, as our heroes need not only to save Temeraire's offspring but also to stop Napoleon for good.


Pre Read Thoughts:

Russia is cold and there's no food this drives Napoleon back I bet.



So the hatchling has Iskierka's personality. I love it. and she has both their abilities.

I'm glad they ended the war together and back home in England. Dragons now have rights yaya.

Also I'm very interested in where the relationship with Tharkay is going to go. It seems interesting how deep that bromance goes.

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