Sapho's Leap
By Erica Jong
Dates Read
Oct 6 - 8
Listened through Hoopla
Sappho's Leap is a journey back 2,600 years to inhabit the mind of the greatest love poet the world has ever known. At the age of fourteen, Sappho is seduced by the beautiful poet Alcaeus, plots with him to overthrow the dictator of their island, and is caught and married off to a repellent older man in hopes that matrimony will keep her out of trouble. Instead, it starts her off on a series of amorous adventures with both men and women, taking her from Delphi to Egypt, and even to the Land of the Amazons and the shadowy realm of Hades.
I did not like this one, one star. Anyone who knows me know that it takes a lot to make me one star a book. The dialogue was awkward, and I did not feel the chemistry between any of the characters. I did like the mythical side of it. The main issue I take with it was the use of children by the main character.